Your holiday checklist: trunks, suncream, business books …- Sunday Times
While beside the pool this summer, take the chance to learn from the experiences of others
One of the first questions I ask anyone I’m interviewing for a job is also one of the most revealing: “What business books are you reading?”
I want to work with people who are curious about the lives and experiences of others. Who want to understand how visionaries achieved success, and how to avoid their mistakes. There is always something new to learn — and with an estimated 15,000 business books published every year, there’s plenty of choice. My kids tease me about how many I cram into my cabin bag for the summer holiday, but my worst fear is running out of lessons to absorb in the sun.
I scribble notes in the best of these books to sum up key points and nudge me to make decisions in my own businesses.
Like the best novels, good business stories should never leave you. The more knowledge we have, the greater our ability to navigate our way through an increasingly complex business landscape. A few days spent buried in books on holiday — an environment far removed from the cut-and-thrust of the office — provides space to think and plan, so that you’re full of purpose on returning.
Don’t tell me there’s no time for reading. Because I like an active holiday — an early-morning 5km run, followed by a pre-lunch 1km swim or watersports such as waveboarding and Fliteboarding (the newish electric surfboards) — I’m addicted to audiobooks.
If you’re travelling, exercising or just walking to the shops, make it a habit to listen to a book, memoir or podcast, even if just for a short time. My first recommendation is one I return to time and again, from which I’m always learning new things. Good to Great by Jim Collins was the result of years of research in which Jim and his team studied more than 1,300 US listed companies and found the 12 principles that linked the 13 best performers over a 40-year period. They include why “who” is more important than “what”; when saying “no” is more productive than “yes”; and how brutal truths should be confronted.
I was lucky enough to spend two days with Jim in Boulder, Colorado, where he brought his book to life for 20 leaders from around the world. His sequels are just as good, including Built to Last, How the Mighty Fall and Turning the Flywheel. Like classic movies, there’s always something fresh to spot in them, which is why Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is another of my favourite re-reads.
A more recent recommendation is Amp It Up by tech veteran Frank Slootman, which shows that no matter how successful your business, there are always simple changes that will make it even better. Growth is not always dependent on making expensive hiring decisions, acquisitions or strategic shifts. Instead, it’s about urgency, intensity, challenging the status quo and coalescing around a core mission. Jambu Palaniappan, the Checkatrade chief executive, recommended this book to me and is applying what he learnt from it to great effect.
I’m just as addicted to business biographies and autobiographies. If you haven’t already read it, I’d recommend Shoe Dog, Phil Knight’s memoir on the history of Nike and how he built what today is an $118 billion (£90 billion) global empire out of his father’s $50 loan. Every business can learn from his moments of inspiration, the lucky accidents and foolish errors, all told with verve and wit. It’s also a great reminder of how that once-pioneering company, pursued by rivals such as Adidas and Hoka, badly misses his innovation.
My “how to” tip is Reverse Mentoring by Patrice Gordon, which examines how fresh ideas, inclusive thinking and a constant learning culture can bring competitive advantage. When those in senior positions reflect on the different experiences and realities of younger colleagues, they grow as leaders. And if, like me, you’re giving up some time to help others achieve their goals, this book provides guidance on being a great mentor (or mentee). We can easily get cocooned in our bubbles, and sometimes the best insights come from those who sit outside.
I’ve mentioned Outlive: The Science & Art of Longevity in a previous column, but Dr Peter Attia’s book will change your life. Literally. Prevention is the key to good health and he gives so many tips you can adopt easily. For instance, I’m trying to change my sleeping patterns to stay sharper. I’ve banned the phone from the bedroom and, instead, am squeezing in 30 minutes of a novel before nodding off. While a business book will just get the mind racing, science has shown that fiction brings calm. Jeffrey Archer and John Grisham are constant favourites, and I loved Yellowface by Rebecca Kuang.
One business title to avoid is The House of Beckham by Tom Bower. As an entrepreneur, I’m fascinated by how David and Victoria created such a powerful global brand, but the writer has too much of an axe to grind. It’s a missed opportunity.
Forgive the shameless plug, but no list would be complete without mentioning my own contribution. You’ll devour my 8 Secrets To Building A £Billion Business booklet in an afternoon on the sun lounger. Based on personal experience, it outlines how to inspire growth, as well as avoid the mistakes I have made over 40 years in business.
One of the great things about reading is sharing your favourites with your friends. So tell me, which books would you recommend I read next?
Richard Harpin is founder and chairman of HomeServe and Growth Partner, and owner of Business Leader magazine